Tuesday, November 22, 2011

IS Feng shui real and really works ? if u renovate ur house and graveyard according to FengShui Man advise?

If you have studied fengshui, you will more likely to believe it.

House can be renovated for better fengshui, but graveyard cannot. Once a graveyard is completed, it will be very hard to renovate its placement, unless through cremation. Hence, it is very important to determine a good graveyard site as there is no U-turn.|||Feng Shui work for me!|||Theres an american show called "bullsh*t" ( i know.. but thats the title) there was an episode on feng shui.. i suggest you download it... pretty much it proves that its all a load of crap. they get like 5 feng shui people in to a house at different times n see what they all say. its turns out that they all say different things..so yea.. i think i would have to say that its pretty bogus. howver the "running water" things pretty good coz its a relaxing sound... good for stressy people.|||No, it's not feng shui. There are some harmony laws of colours, forms, etc. that we should know. They mix it with some false religion. Bye!|||perhaps. keep an open mind. after all, its thousands of years old (America is only a little over 200 years old).

first, it does no harm. maybe if you believe that putting some effort into creating harmony in your house will do some good then it will!

don't let some half baked personal advisor tell you how your feng shui should be. it takes a real professional to know. it isn't just moving a pot or painting a wall.

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